About Us

The Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Museum was founded by Aaron Matthews, Leo Tomos-Matthews and Paul Matthews in March 2016. These railway preservationists along with fellow preservationists from different walks of life came together to preserve the history of their local Carriage and Wagon Builders and Repairers for the benefit and education of the public and create the Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Museum.

Honorary President: Councillor Neil Hampson, former Mayor of Gloucester 2016-17

Paul Matthews - Chairman, Founder, Trustee and Health and Safety Officer

Railway Preservation:  1980's, 2016 to Present
Qualifications: Level 1 Communication Skills (Wordpower), NOCN Level 3 in Trade Union Health and Safety Representatives, Level 1 Introduction to Customer Service, Level 1 Principles of Business Administration, Entry level in Digital Skills (ICT), Level 1 in Introduction to the Hospitality Industry, Profit Protection, PIC Compliance, Food Safety for Caterers, Health and Safety for for Caterers, Dignity at Work, Fire Safety, Using Teamwork to Boost Performance, Effective Minute Writing, GDPR essentials, Conflict Resolution, Meeting Skills and Nexus Cashless.
Chairman email: grcwmchairman@outlook.com

Leolyn Tomos-Matthews - Founder, Trustee and Membership Secretary

Railway Preservation: 2015-Present
Qualifications: Iron Forge Skills, Willow Work, Glass Mouldblowing, Bronze Tool Casting, Woodland Kitchen, Woodland Management, Clay Work, Meteorology, Bow-Making and Glass Blowing, Level 2 Award in Food Safety in Catering
Membership Secretary email: grcwmmembership@outlook.com

Aaron Matthews - Founder, Trustee, Secretary, Retail Manager and Temporary Curator
Railway Preservation: 2013-Present
Qualifications: Level 2 Diploma in Site, Level2 in Door Supervision, Level 3 in Hairdressing, Level 3 in Barbering, Level 1 in Personal and Social Development, Level 1 in Contact Dermatitis, Level 2 in Site Carpentry, Level 1 in Drug Awareness, Level 1 in Carpentry and Joinery, Food Allergy Online Training, Level 2 in Food Safety in Catering and various certificates of attainment from OpenLearn (part of the Open University).
Shop email: grcwmshop@outlook.com
Secretary email: grcwmsecretary@outlook.com
Curator email: grcwmcurator@outlook.com

All founders have a combined Railway Preservation of approx. 27 years 5 months



About Us

Whats On 

Group Visits


Please Note: The address below left is for correspondence only and not the location of the museum itself. Please see the address on the right for the physical museum. Thank you.

Contact Us

Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Museum

99 Sandyleaze




United Kingdom




Website: www.grcwm.jimdofree.com

Email: grcwm@outlook.com


Telephone (Mobile): 07589 357 827


The Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Museum, is a registered Charity (CIO), number 1191551. 


© 2022 Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Museum